


In today’s complex world where man is driven by an urge to achieve hedonistic , frustration and stress are quite common. When the mind is unhappy it makes the body unhappy and the soul too. Also, an unhappy mind tends to think negatively and becomes the seat of petty feelings like avarice, jealousy, revengefulness. In such a situation one usually falls prey to issues like depression, sleeplessness, anxiety disorders, amnesia and even stress-induced physical disorders such as diabetes, hypertension, migraine etc.

To live a good life amid all the chaos, competition & confusion you may need the help of somebody who can release the pent up negativities from your system and make you realize who you are and for what you are here on this earth. That ‘somebody’ is the counselor who counsels you and helps you let go all that which is making life miserable for you. At Samskara our professional counselors first take real stock of the issues you & your life are facing and then start their counseling.

You may be counseled through several counseling sessions or a single session depending upon the nature and gravity of your problem. Counseling at Samskara is done by learned practitioners who try tirelessly to give you a better life untouched by the gross chaos, boredom and ennui of this mundane world.

To book counseling sessions with Samskara, you need to take prior appointment. You can opt for either online counseling or in-center counseling. We are here to talk you out of your problems!