
My Inspiration Goddess Tara

Goddess Tara or Mother Kwan Yin holds a ubiquitous status across different cultures of the world. She is that divine presence whose supreme healing power has been hailed time and again. Every time the revered Goddess healed sufferers, the grateful sufferers bowed their head down to her in complete obeisanceA curious mind at this point would obviously want to know who this Goddess Tara actually is.

According to Hindu Shastra, Goddess Tara is that powerful divine entity who was born during the Tantra Vidya lessons imparted to Goddess Parvati by Lord Shiva. Her abode too is in the high Himalayas. From the Bodhisattva perspective, Goddess Tara was born out of the tear drop of Lord Buddha when he was meditating. As per spiritual tales, two tear drops trickled down the eyes of the meditative Buddha to give birth to two Goddesses; White Tara and Green Tara.

In Magnified Healing, White Goddess Tara is worshipped. It is through her that Magnified Healing; a kind of healing that was previously practiced only in the Heavens by Ascended Masters, was brought down to Earth. Goddess Tara was made the Head of the Karmic Council by Gods and it is through Goddess Tara that Magnified Healing reached Earth for the benefit of mankind.

If you want to experience the best of Magnified Healing, you need to pay your obeisance to Goddess Tara who is all merciful and loving Mother of her children on Earth