Land And Home Healing

Land And Home Healing

Our home or the land on which we have our home plays a significant role in our life. It is part of our entity and it stands witness to the various good and bad occurrences in our life. Our shelter and land too has a spirit according to the Shamanic philosophy and each time a misfortune occurs to you or a death takes place in your home or a negative thought strikes your mind, your home and land acquires heavy, negative energies which multiply overtime and sit like a stubborn clutter in and around your living space. That clutter may make your home lose its spirit; it may create a sense of imbalance and emptiness within your living space. Also, it may deter your progress in life and block inflow of positive energy. Land and Home Energy Healing in such a situation may de-clutter your home of all negative energies and make it a warm and inviting place to living. At Samaskara we execute the home cleansing rituals with utmost dedication.