Limited beliefs
Now if I say I have a lot to discuss on this topic, it’s not right as I have mentioned this for many topics. I would rather say that there is a lot one can actually look into and interpret with the aspect of limited beliefs.
I have spoken a lot about limited beliefs and the importance of releasing this time and again. But let us get into a little in-depth and knowledge of what exactly a limited belief is and how does it actually affect us and what do we need to do to help ourselves clear these kinds of beliefs out of our system.
A limiting belief is something you believe to be true that limits you in some way. The limiting belief could be about you, other people, or the world. Just the perception of your thoughts will bring about a limited belief and at times we may not even be aware that we have a limited belief. This can become a big challenge to work with.
- Can slow down your progress or growth and also hold you back from making the right choices.
- Procrastinating with taking the opportunities coming your way and unsure if you really want it.
- Being rigid with your thought process and not willing to acknowledge your own gifts or accept any help gifts given to you.
- Staying stuck to the negative aspects and unwilling to let go or move on.
Where would Limited Beliefs Originate from?
This is naturally a thought that we will have as we are curious to understand where does this originate and how does it affect us.
- It starts from home front parents, grandparents, uncles, and aunts. Eventually Spouses and their family too.
- School and College – Teachers, peers, and friends
- Work Environment- Friends, colleagues, acquaintances
- External Factors – Society, culture, media, and perceptions
Now that we understand how limited beliefs play on us and have the roots deep due to the perceptions of life and circumstances. Let us see how we can help ourselves to start letting go of limited beliefs.
When we get comfortable with our limited beliefs and are not ready to accept or change we begin weaving a vicious web that can be poison to us. We have to address our suppressed emotions pertaining to the limited beliefs and work on releasing these.
How can we release these limited beliefs?
Let me first state a simple fact, releasing limited beliefs is an ongoing process we need to do it daily and keep a check on patterns and blocks. Triggers and situations which can become external factors for us.
- Keep a journal name it anything you wish to name. It is important to journal your thoughts, pain, and also the beliefs.
- Ask yourself how did this belief come in the first place. What can be done now to change or release the same?
- Weigh the pros and cons and see how you feel and what’s your threshold for withstanding. See if it needs to be changed, if yes what’s next.
- Choose a new empowering belief that will help you stay grounded and releases all blocks.
- Strengthen and work on your new empowering beliefs and see how it feels
- Be firm and take the step only after you Introspect and understand the importance of what and why you are choosing to release the old beliefs and embracing the new.
- Take your time to understand and also if you really wish to embrace the new belief and if you do how will it help resolve certain things in your life.
- There are many ways to release beliefs all one needs to do is make a decision to actually resolve it.
- Limited beliefs can also become power blocks where we believe others need to do things for us, we need even reverse that onto ourselves.
As I stated the writing can go and on but, the point here is understanding and I shall post a series of blogs pertaining to limited belief. Do look out for them and help these work for you.
Through our perceptions we believe certain things are unachievable, let yourself reach out to the universe.
Your beliefs are, your blocks on your path, only when we change our belief can we move ahead clearing blocks.
Limited beliefs,limits are growth at times, it is good to work on releasing and letting go of the beliefs.
Get in touch with Samskara Healing incase you feel you need to clarify or get guidance for an issue or for a support session.
🌺Palash 🌺
Spiritual Healer @samskarahealing
Priestess|Shaman|Karunaki master
Reiki Master|Sacred symbols Master
Light Body Practioner|Meditation Facilitator
Lavender Flame Practitioner