Emotions play a vital role in our life, we have to work with it and also have it in balance by having a healthy emotional state we bring about a healthy physical state. It’s something which we need to work on it daily and keep looking into how to work or release certain emotions which is getting suppressed.
There are seven basic emotions as per study:-
Through this there can be various thresholds of emotions taking us into it deep or just a superficial touch of the same. We cannot suppress the fact as these are the basic emotions each one of us feel. It is up to us then how we deal with the emotions and the feelings that come up.
Both are entwined and the only way to acknowledge our emotions is to notice how you are feeling. As you bring your focus on your feelings understanding the emotion and also why has it come in becomes very easy. Normally we are so busy going about our routine that at times we ignore or we can be oblivious to what’s happening to us.
We get into an imbalance is when there is an excess of energy it could be the masculine energy or feminine energy. We hold onto both energies and it has to be balanced. We have to be watchful to see if our meridians and masculine and feminine energies are in harmony and balance with each other.
In a day we can actually go through all the 7 basic emotions and there is no way we can control our emotions as we skip from one to the other. It can get difficult when we try to control it or not acknowledge the emotions.
For eg:- When someone is really angry, and keeps on denying saying I am not angry, but one can see the facial expressions and body language clearly showing otherwise. This could be cause of own resistance to acknowledge what we feel for various reasons.
The only way we can bring balance to the emotions is accepting it and allow oneself to go with the flow without resisting it. To achieve this one needs to know how to handle negative emotions. This has to be done without us getting stuck or being pulled into it.
We are living in stressful times and can get caught up with all the whirlpool of negative news and that can lead us to various emotional states which could leave us in an upheaval. At times like this people tend to suppress emotions or try to go about like everything is normal. This can happen consciously or or not being conscious about it (subconsciously).
The best way to deal with an upheaval is have an emotional balance. One may state how can I have an emotional balance? Or how do we work on achieving an emotional balance.
Tips on how to have emotional balance:-
Check on your stress levels and see if you need to release any accumulated stress which has been building over a period of time. This could be a major trigger for emotional imbalance.
Work on self love, with affirmations and also doing things that would bring happiness and love to you. Only if you love yourself can you love yourself and do things for your own happiness.
Practice the art of gratitude and thank everyone who come into your life and the experiences that come along with it. This really helps one to acknowledge when we have gratitude and also looking into the lessons.
Seek support if need be, it could be friends or family and also if need be get help from a healer, counselor to help oneself bring balance.
Take time out for Introspection and see what were the triggers and how did you react. See what has to be done and how can you sort certain things without slipping into an imbalance.
Declutter space and remove things and issues that is toxic and can create a negative emotion or bring in imbalance.
Daily Meditation and Pranayama helps a lot as this bring alignment and balance into our meridians and the feminine and masculine energies within us. This is needed as it would bring an emotional balance easily.
Eat right and avoid binging especially when stressed or upset. As this could create havoc to your system. Certain foods can trigger some mood swings one should be cautious and eat right to have a balance.
Meet friends and do things that helps you unwind and relax
Spend time in nature the best natural healer and nurturing one can get.
Work on forgiveness and have a journal, make it a point that daily you have one thing that you wish to release and forgive yourself or the other person.
Respect the fact that you have the various emotions and it is okay to feel them and acknowledge them as it is part of you and how express it react to things happening around you. It is not like you have to skates be perfect or try show you are brave. Allow yourself to be who you truly are and don’t try to showcase yourself for approval of others.
The best way to bring about a balance into your system is to accept the chaos and allow the energies to flow naturally.
Emotions are part us, we have to learn to accept and respect our emotions and acknowledge our thoughts and feelings.
Reach out to Samskara Healing if you have an issue or trouble to let go for guidance, support or a session.
🌺Palash 🌺
Spiritual Healer @samskarahealing
Priestess |Shaman|Light Body Practioner|Meditation Facilitator