Accepting Change As It Comes..!!
Accepting change as it comes…!!!
Can we do this without much resistance?
Some may say yes ofcourse..!!
While some may just be blank not knowing what to think of…!
While some could blatantly say no I don’t think so..!
Now to think of it, which category do I fall into??
Maybe all the three, at times certain changes are easy to accept and embrace and at the same time certain changes can take time to adjust. But there are some changes I would never accept it nor come to terms with. I am sure one must be thinking, so why would you be writing about changes.
The first step in accepting change is knowing that whether you are able to deal with change or not. We all have a common practice of discarding old ideas, things and buying new things or working on new ideas. Not once do we sit to resist the change, maybe certain items may be dear and could slow us down a bit. Either we keep or discard instantly without any resistance.
Now this would make you slow down for a moment and think… what about me? Where do I stand with changes?
Change is very much of part of “circle of life” and what comes around goes around for sure. Everything and everyone have their share of having happy times and sad times and changes are part of it. No one can escape change.
So if change is inevitable what’s this all about?
The aspect of not ready to accept change or to let go of old belief that’s resisting you to accept change is what I am speaking about here or rather writing about. Change is part of our life. We change our mind with the various flows of thoughts. We change our clothes and our bedsheets.
But when it comes to changes other than something that’s comfortable and part of us our attention goes on to it and at times resistance can kick in. Especially when we have to let go of our comfort and make way for something unknown. The unknown can be anything from a new path to accepting a new person into a relationship that needs to start fresh.
Change of perspective and belief is vital here. When one sits with the belief that they are not ready to accept or let go of something, change becomes that much harder for them. Putting them through a whole lot of other things to deal with it.
I often tell my family and friends “that I will deal with it when I come to that bridge or have to cross it”. Now this is my way of postponing my anxiousness of dealing with something I am not ready with. Deep down I know the change is speeding my way. It’s all about me accepting this.
At times due to various situations and circumstances one is never ready to deal with change or let go of certain belief systems and patterns. Reasons can be plenty varying from:
- Trust factors
- Childhood belief systems
- Society norms
- Perceptions
- Up-brining
- Pressure from family and friends
- Work related matters
I often tell my clients and friends to go with the flow. The more we resist the flow and fight the current the more we are going to get pulled and sucked into something we don’t want or disagree with.
When something is not as per what we want or believe. The best thing to do is:
- To step out of the situation and gauge the impact and what are the consequences.
- Try to speak to your loved ones and explain what you are going through. It would help you get clarity and also you have a sounding board to pour your concerns.
- Be patient and weigh your pros and cons.
- Try to understand the other side of the story.
- Look at it not only from your perspective but also others perspective to see how you can work through whatever resistance you have.
- Try to see how you fit into the change without creating too much chaos.
- Focus on the solution and not the problem.
- Be open and expressive about your thoughts.
- It’s okay to feel, not good about a change.
- Look at ways which would help you improve your perception skills.
When one understands that life is always about change and things keep moving about and shifting, it makes one start to accept and move with change.
A beautiful example one can see is seasons which change with time.!we move from one weather to the next and always prepared. Similarly we can bring the same kind of thought process into our spaces and life and go about the myriad changes with grace and ease.
The circle of life is constantly evolving and moving. Through this process it’s nothing but of the true essence to have certain things shifting about and making space for new situations and circumstances to come in. Through these changes the Soul gets various learnings which helps it evolve and keep moving to become if stronger and carrying more wisdom.
In the circle of life change is inevitable and there is nothing one can do about it.
Change is part of who we become and it’s very much part of moulding our personality.
Change and season are very similar they bring different kind of perceptions into our space.
Get in touch with Samskara Healing, if you are looking for a mentor or you need a session of healing and help remove blocks feel free to reach out and book a consultation.
✍️ Written by
Dr. Jayapalashri Anil
In Gratitude to Divine
The Spiritual Princess, Healer & Blogger
Shamanism, Reiki Grandmaster
Samskara Healing