Am I Worthy Enough??
What do you think??
Are you worthy enough??
How many of you have said or thought of it?
- yes
- Maybe
- No
- Not sure
All the above answers can be said many times we ask ourselves “ Am I Worthy Enough?”
” Why do certain things happen to me?”
” Why am I always targeted?”
As long as we comprehend that no two individuals can be alike and we are made uniquely. We are meant to go through certain experiences and witness certain events as there are lovely lessons for us to learn at the soul level. This can help us differentiate ourselves and know that no matter what we are with there is enough and more for all. Of course, we are unique and special in our way. We don’t need someone to tell us that we are worthy enough.
We have our strengths and weakness which makes us who we are. As long as we don’t try to imitate someone else or try to be someone else but work on building your own identity it assists to know your self-worth. It’s a tricky spot as at times someone may think it’s an ego ride.
Of course, there is a fine line here between one’s ego and trying to see oneself as a self-worthy person. Here I am not talking about getting into a spiral of ego and having clashes with inner conflicts. But I am talking about the aspect of feeling self-worth for who we truly are.
No, feeling self- worthy is not something to worry about or think if it’s okay or not okay. Each everyone of us is where we need to be and that’s for a reason. We can’t exchange our shoes or try to get each other’s experiences. The reason is it is meant to be different for us.
How can one work on being self -worthy?
- It takes a lot of will and understanding to know the importance of our own identity and accepting who we truly are.
- After which one needs to work on the foundation of self-confidence and esteem. It is much needed to even move forward in life and embrace our faults and failures as well as our success.
- Understanding the importance of self-respect and working on nurturing oneself for having self-respect is needed.
- This would be of great help to working on self-love and that would be the icing on the cake which would help one start believing in oneself of self-worthiness.
- Setting boundaries and defining them would help in great deal here to even start work and put things in place.
Well it’s not some rocket science if you look at the pointers. Nevertheless, yet we fail and have major chaos in our life pertaining to this.
Why is that?
- Our conditioning towards ourselves and we keep what will society say first. This can bring a lot of chaos. The reason being is who is society? We are part of it and make it. Change your thought process and start thinking of yourself first. No, it’s not an ego trip. Putting yourself in priority is much needed if you want to be of help to others.
- Our Belief System needs to be worked on and understanding the importance of at times letting old beliefs go and changing our perceptions is much needed to help ourself.
- Stop trying to please the world and look at pleasing yourself and work on your own nurturing and see what makes you happy. Your happiness has to be put it on top of the list. Then comes everyone else, there is no need to go on a guilt trip.
- Pick your favourite hobbies and spend time doing those and that would help you out to self-nurture and also introspect into your likes and dislikes.
- If you don’t respect yourself please don’t expect anyone else to come forward to respect you or even think about you.
- As long as you are not comfortable in your skin no matter what you do happiness will not be there. Do things and wear clothes that bring happiness to you. It’s not about trying to please or get acknowledged.
Working on oneself and helping you to understand the importance of knowing what is it that you want and how are you going to procure the same. At times we are pushed to make certain decisions that leave us with a lot of distaste and frustration. So choosing and understanding how to prioritise self is needed and along with that it’s okay at times if we need to put someone else as first.
These kind of blogs are of course to be used as self-help tools and can be an eye-opener for taking the right steps. Along with that, we have to move out of the point of self-pity and procrastination game. As this will take you nowhere. Self-pity is not going to get you bonus points for sure. It just adds to the suffering and intensifies the same for us as we start weaving a vicious web around us.
Instead of trying to prove you’re worthy enough to someone, take a moment and prove it to yourself and do things that make you happy and lovable to yourself. Only if you have time for yourself and do things that you wish to do, be it:
- Exercise
- Self Grooming
- Nurturing
- Meditation
- Journaling
- Working on your favourite hobby
Only then others would start acknowledging and giving you the required space and time. If we keep saying I don’t have the time trust me no one else has time for you too.
Spending time on self to help one feel loved and respected is needed to feel worthy enough.
When you are unable to accept the fact that you are worthy no one else will accept it too.
Your worthiness lies as a precious gem within you search for it and treasure it.
Get in touch with Samskara Healing if you are looking for a mentor to help you and guide you through tough parenting skills and blocks feel free to reach out and book a consultation.
🌺Palash 🌺
In Gratitude to Divine
Spiritual Healer
Samskara Healing