How do we have an optimistic approach about the current situation?
How do we have an optimistic approach about the current situation?
The unprecedentedt times that is being faced by us currently is shaking our roots to the core. There is fear, stress and anxiety building in all. Be it children, adults or even the seniors of our community or society. How do we deal with this and try not to snap or hurt ourselves through these tough times?
Is it easy?
No, it’s not easy for anyone, each one has their fair share of issues and troubles. There is not one person who is happy or comfortable with the current situation.
What can we do to help ourselves?
Own up to this issue, each and everyone has to take their responsibility to avoid letting the spread of this virus. Understand and know it’s not something that can be avoided but it can be controlled and gradually bought into control when we take the responsibility to stay home and create our very own air bubble for the loved ones.
The authorities can do only x amount of things instead of sitting blaming and trying to pass the baton try to be courageous to take things forward without any hiccups or breaks.
Can we be optimistic?
Why not? Each and everyone has their right to his/ her thoughts and perceptions of life. So look at it from an angle of how do you wish to deal with the current situation? Do you wish to cringe and nag being fearful of everything? Or Do you wish to take control of your life and see what needs to be done?
Our mind is something that needs to be occupied with some proactive and interactive mind games to keep certain pessimistic thoughts away. Today using the word positive scares many as they curl in like they have seen a poisonous snake. Let us try to use the word optimistic and see how to make the most of it.
How to keep our selves sane and have an healthy mind?
- Avoid watching the news that is disturbing and can create fear in you. It’s important to have the facts that can be taken without getting caught in the process of trying to watching 100 channels.
- It’s easy to text about all the havoc at times be a bearer of good news too. Try to bring a twist of light into the darkness. Don’t make conversations heavy that everyone are drained at the end.
- Set a healthy routine, eat right and no matter how hectic bring in an exercise routine. Today thanks to technology there is a lot of options available online.
- Read some positive quotes and share them online as well in your groups.
- Think about spreading love and happiness rather than spreading the virus.
- Practice pranayama in other words breathing exercises which is much needed to keep a balance of energies within us. This is only to keep us grounded and strengthen our immunity.
- No matter how hectic your schedule is take out at least 10 minutes twice a day to meditate. Meditation is a beautiful way to bring a perfect balance and connect with mind, body and soul.
- Try and avoid getting into unwanted talks of gossips and talks which for you is something that you feel is negative.
- Create an atmosphere at home which is more comforting and relaxing. There is enough fear outside avoid having that in your spaces. Make it a sacred space, cleanse, smudge, play some music be it devotional songs or instrumental to raise the vibrations of the space.
- Keep time to read, to play games which is good for the mind. Exercise and eating is just not for the body but also for the mind. Be aware of what kind of thoughts you are feeding on.
Some tips to keep your mind calm during the tough stages of life.
- Listen to soothing music or music that is calming and relaxing. It helps to definitely relax the mind and keep you calm.
- Practice deep breathing to calm your mind.
- Write a journal.
- Spend time in nature, as and when possible. Incase you don’t have garden make do with your balconies or make a small sacred space of garden for yourself.
- Doing mindful meditation is pretty helpful.
- Using lavender essential oil in an oil diffuser or in bath helps soothe the nerves.
- Pampering self with a warm bath helps calm oneself down.
It’s okay to get stressed or get worried, the point is to see how to come out of it and release the same without holding onto it. The aspect of going through these unprecedented times and the uncertainties brings a lot of resistance and issues of letting go.
To have a healthy body one also needs to focus on having an healthy mind.
Eating right, sleeping right helps bring a twist of comfort and calmness into the mind as the body is relaxed my.
Get in touch with Samskara Healing, if you are looking for a mentor or you need a session of healing and help remove blocks feel free to reach out and book a consultation.
🌺Palash 🌺
In Gratitude to Divine
Spiritual Princess
Healer & Blogger
Reiki Grandmaster
Samskara Healing