No, it’s not about you!!! There is more to life than just you and your thoughts like or dislikes. Just cause someone is in a situation and still being nice or gives you the required space doesn’t give anyone the right to jump about. Maybe even trash out at them, it’s totally uncalled for and not needed.
Differences and dislikes are part of the game and one needs to know more and understand what really is needed and how? You can’t expect everyone to dance or move to your tunes and go about everything you want. Living in the space of I, Me, and Myself are really not going to go down well for others. Setting boundaries is one thing but being obsessed with self is totally another ball game.
Being stubborn and trying to argue and drive your point may not always score or drive a point. The best thing to do is to pick your battles and be frankly expressing yourself than trying to cover up or be nice even when you are not in agreement.
It won’t take you anywhere and will only lead to unhappiness. The turn of events can be distasteful and the scars of pain is eventually evident. The entire journey is not just about yourself. That’s the bottom line of the entire story.
When we have a lack of understanding it leads to feelings of rejection and unworthiness, which can in turn lead to the possessiveness of our partners and unhealthy attachments in our relationship. In addition, when we can’t express self-love, we tend to take on the ego’s favorite show-stopping role.
Self-love can put us in an awkward state of mind as we are not really prepared to understand what is happening or care about other people’s emotions in our minds. So now here comes the tricky one, we think it’s self-love but more than self-love it can be an ego trip where you are trying to prove your point or just take out your frustration.
You can think of the ego or the true self ( which focuses on self love) in opposition, they compete for control in relationships. The ego is focused on survival, it wants to protect itself at all costs. It is based on fear, while the true self is based on pure love. So naturally, there will be a conflict of interest.
Everyone goes through ups and downs in life and it’s natural to feel the pain or get upset about something. After which it is completely up to you would you want to continue in the same relationship or move on as you have had enough? But before taking that decision one should also understand the value of ending a relationship and how many relationships can anyone end.
If you are finding it difficult to cope with something or someone there is no use putting it on the entire family. Maybe they don’t wish to take part in it or even want to be part of it out of obligation. Your erratic thoughts and acts are taking you on an erratic journey of life could be harrowing experiences for people around you. The mastermind behind it is obviously yourself, now is the time to understand this.
So instead of sulking and blaming others, it’s good to work on your own space and ways of thoughts as it’s equally important. When you see people are avoiding you, or keeping a distance it’s the cause of the attitude that you carry and that may have to change as it’s creating major blocks on the way.

How can I change my this behavior?
💠Understand yourself would be the first step.
💠See what are the triggers and are these your weak points or failures.
💠Take time to introspect on how to proceed.
💠Take feedback from family and friends. It’s essential to know when you are wrong.
💠Seek forgiveness of your have been really mean and nasty.
💠Bring forth a change in your vision and thought process.
💠Ask for help if need be, to help sort your situation and mind out.
💠Take some simple steps to release stress regularly like Meditation, Yoga, or Walking
💠Declutter your space but physically and mentally regularly
💠Maintain a proper routine with good sleep and eating habits.
💠A work-life balance is mandatory and should be part of your journey.
Through some of these simple steps, one can try to understand and work on self to help themselves out of being so mean and nasty or putting their stress on to others. Take time to introspect and work on these small pointers which actually you may not realize will help you release the bigger blocks and triggers within you.
There can not always be a tomorrow, you rather clear your mess before you leave in your final departure.
Our thoughts are our reflection of acts so being mindful of them takes us miles.
Do you feel the nudge to speak to someone or sort things out. Get in touch with Samskara Healing incase you need to get guidance for an issue or for a support session.
🌺Palash 🌺
Spiritual Healer @samskarahealing
Priestess|Shaman|Karunaki Master
Reiki GrandMaster|Sacred symbols Master
Light Body Practioner|Meditation Facilitator
Lavender Flame Practitioner