Aren’t we all facing regular blocks on money matters? Some face them more frequently than others. While some are permanently having money blocks and are unable to get out of the situation. No matter what we say or don’t say we are constantly battling the blocks of money that come our way.
Now there is not a person here who will be happy and content with what they have, they may state it saying I have it all. But if they are going to get something more would they want it?
Yes, Of course! they would want a few dollars or rupees more. Our needs are so much that no matter what, one can always have a shortage of funds.
There is always some dreams that are yet to be lived and explored. Naturally when an opportunity arises one will use it to explore and try to make the most of it. Though we may say I am happy, I have enough, can’t ask for more. There is a longing within us wanting more and more which at times the hunger can never be satiated.
Now let me come to the actual facts certain statements what we say become beautiful hurdles for us… let me explain I am sure you might be curious to know how?
There are certain statements that we keep repeating and they become money hurdles for us.
- I don’t have money
- Money never stays
- I don’t need more money
- No matter what I do I am always stuck
- It’s difficult to spend money
- Don’t spend money if it goes you may not get it back
- Fear of losing money
- Fear of committing for money
- Strong beliefs of spending money
- Prioritization is poor about money
- Disrespecting money by being careless
- Trying to use money like it can buy the world.
- I can’t afford this
- I have so many bills to pay
- My earnings are never enough
- Will I ever be able to earn more
- I need to work until I clear my debts
The list can go on,
Now let’s see how can we actually change these statements to positive ones without any issues:..!!
>Money is flowing to me easily
>The more I spend more money is coming
>I am able to spend money on everything and anything I like
>My bank balance is growing daily
>I am choosing the priorities rightfully
>Clearing debts happily knowing more money will come
>Opportunities are coming my way
>I am happy paying my children education fees and meeting all my commitments
>As I clear bills I realize the easy flow of funds
>I respect the flow of money and also have gratitude for the same
>Money comes to me effortlessly and easily
All we need to do is be mindful of our words and beliefs. At times we need to change certain beliefs as they become strong blocks and slows down the flow of money.
A common phrase I often hear is “I don’t have money.” Instead of saying that be more positive with a statement like, I will pick it up as money comes in or I will do this with the money that’s flowing to me. We with our own fears, limited beliefs create blocks within us.
How can one clear blocks?
- Join some powerful support groups on WhatsApp where everyone is trying to clear blocks and bring in a flow of money.
- Clear your spaces and bring about a positivity into your space with periodic smudging ( clearing of space ritual).
- Keeping some crystals that are energized for attracting a flow of money. ( You can reach out to us to get your energized crystals which are custom energized)
- Clearing your wallets and purses of old bills and torn pieces of paper which can clog energies.
- Keeping some attracting money spices like ( bay leaves, cloves, or cinnamon) in your wallet.
- Arranging notes in a systematic and neat order, keeping your credit and debit cards neatly and all the other ID’s neatly in allocated spaces.
- Not using torn and tattered purses or wallets.
- Clearing and organizing your cupboard and keeping things in a neat and systematic way.
- Practicing affirmations and meditations to release money blocks.
- Changing one’s thought process and working on releasing limited beliefs.
Don’t expect overnight results, money is energy and it takes time to flow and allow it to flow naturally and smoothly.
There is enough and more in the Universe which everyone can benefit from, it’s our own thoughts and beliefs that block them or bring about suffering to us.
M – Manifesting
O – Own
N – Needs
E – Energies
Y – Yield
Manifesting one’s owns needs through energies that are within us to yield results.
Money when treated with respect and gratitude always comes back to us in multi-folds.
In case you have blocks and wish to work on them, you can reach out to us @ Samskara for the ongoing Monthly Money Makeover class. Where in tips, rituals, and affirmations are shared.
Get in touch with Samskara Healing incase you feel you need to clarify or get guidance for an issue or for a support session.
🌺Palash 🌺
Spiritual Healer @samskarahealing
Priestess|Shaman|Karunaki master
Reiki Master|Sacred symbols Master
Light Body Practioner|Meditation Facilitator
Lavender Flame Practitioner